Ajmal Super 40 Test Syllabus 2024

Ajmal Super 40 is a renowned program that prepares students for competitive exams like NEET and JEE. The Entrance Cum Scholarship Test for Ajmal Super 40 is designed to assess the academic potential of students aspiring to join the program. This article provides a detailed breakdown of the syllabus for each class level: VIII, IX, XI, and the Challenger batch.

Syllabi for Admission Cum Scholarship Test 2025
For Challenger Batch
Complete Syllabus of Class XII

অসমৰ School আৰু College ৰ Class VI ৰ পৰা Ph.D. লৈকে Admission খবৰ পাবৰ বাবে এই 👉 “Learn with Babu Printers” 🙏Youtube Channel টো Subscribe কৰিব Please 💚

For Class – XI :: (Based on Class X Course)

  1. Mathematics (40 Marks):-Number Systems, Polynomials, Pair of linear equation in two
    variable, Quadratic equation, Arithmetic Progression, Co-ordinate Geometry, Trigonometry up
    to Application, Probability, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Circle, Mensuration, Statistics.
  2. Science (60 Marks) ::
    a) Physics (20 Marks):- Light reflection & Refraction, Electricity, Magnetic effects of electric
    current. Human eye & Colourful world, Sources of Energy.
    b) Chemistry (20 Marks):- Atoms & Molecules, Structure of the atom, reactions & Equations,
    Acids, Bases and Salts, Metals & Non-Metals, Carbon and Its Compounds, Periodic
    Classification of Elements.
    c) Biology (20 Marks):- Sexual Reproduction in plants and Humans (How do Organisms
    reproduce), Control & Coordination, Life Processes, Heredity & Evolution, Our
  3. English (20 Marks):- Tense, Voice, Vocabulary & Error Correction, Preposition, Tag Question,
    Article & Determiners and Parts of speech.
  4. Mental Ability Test & Reasoning (30 Marks):- 1. Logical Reasoning:- Statements and
    Conclusions, Arguments and Assumptions, Syllogisms, Number Series and Patterns; 2.
    Mathematical Reasoning:-Numbers and Operations, Algebraic Expressions and Equations,
    Geometry and Mensuration, Data Analysis and Interpretation; 3. Non-Verbal Reasoning:- Visual
    Puzzles and Patterns, Mirror Images and Reflections, Cubes and Dice, Paper Folding and
    Cutting; 4. Verbal Reasoning:- Analogies and Relationships, Word Formation and Patterns,
    Coding and Decoding, Classification and Categorization; 5. Critical Thinking:-, Identifying Bias
    and Assumptions, Evaluating Arguments and Evidence, Making Inferences and Drawing
    Conclusions, Resolving Moral or Ethical Dilemmas.

For Class – IX :: (Based on Class VIII Course)

  1. Mathematics (40 Marks):- Linear equation in one variable, Number System, Quadrilaterals (All
    type) with properties, Data handling, Comparing Quantities, Algebraic expression and identities,
    Mensuration, Factorisation, Introduction to graph.
  2. Science (60 Marks)::
    a) Physics (20 Marks):- Kinematics- The concept of Scalar and vector quantities, Distance and
    displacement, Speed, Velocity, acceleration, Equations of motion; Newton’s law of motionConcept of force, Newton’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd law; Friction: NCERT; Sound: NCERT; Light:
    Reflection of light.
    b) Chemistry (20 Marks):- Metals and non metals, Combustion and flame, Coal and
    Petroleum, Synthetic fibre and plastics.
    b) Biology (20 Marks):- Crop production: types of crops, uses and importance of manures and
    different type of fertilizers, cropping processes; About microorganisms: its types, usefulness and
    harmfulness, about fermentation, Pasteurization, vaccine and its working process, antibiotics,
    antibodies – antigens, diseases caused by microorganisms and its prevention, nitrogen cycle;
    Conservation of wildlife: Its importance, and the methods of conserving of wildlife; Basic
    concept of cell: types of cells, different cell organelles and their functions, gene, animal cell and
    plant cell difference; Basic concept of Reproduction in Animals: About male reproductive organ
    and female reproductive organs, process of fertilization, types of reproduction; Concept of
    Adolescence: Changes during adolescence, Hormones and their functions during adolescence,
    concept of sex determination in a baby; About population and its Harmfulness: soil pollution, air
    pollution, water pollution, Global warning, acid rain, what can be done to minimize pollution.
  3. English (20 Marks):- Tense, Determiner, Preposition, Voice change, Tag questions, Vocabulary
    (Synonyms and Antonyms).
  4. Mental Ability Test & Reasoning (30 Marks):- 1. Logical Reasoning:- Statements and
    Conclusions, Arguments and Assumptions, Syllogisms, Number Series and Patterns; 2.
    Mathematical Reasoning:-Numbers and Operations, Algebraic Expressions and Equations,
    Geometry and Mensuration, Data Analysis and Interpretation; 3. Non-Verbal Reasoning:- Visual
    Puzzles and Patterns, Mirror Images and Reflections, Cubes and Dice, Paper Folding and
    Cutting; 4. Verbal Reasoning:- Analogies and Relationships, Word Formation and Patterns,
    Coding and Decoding, Classification and Categorization; 5. Critical Thinking:-, Identifying Bias
    and Assumptions, Evaluating Arguments and Evidence, Making Inferences and Drawing
    Conclusions, Resolving Moral or Ethical Dilemmas.

For Class – VIII :: (Based on Class VII Course)

  1. Mathematics (40 Marks):- Fractions and Decimal, Simple equation, Comparing quantities,
    Rational numbers, Perimeter and Area, Algebraic expressions, Exponent and Power.
  2. Science (60 Marks)::
    a) Physics (20 Marks):- Electric Current and its effects, Light, Motion and Time.
    b) Chemistry (20 Marks):- Fibre to fabric, Acids, Bases and Salts, Physical and Chemical
    c) Biology (20 Marks):- Food, Components of food, Digestive system in human, Respiratory
    system in humans, Respiration and Breathing, Transportation of food and water in plants,
    Human circulatory system, Human excretory system, Types of reproduction in plants,
    Vegetative reproduction in plants, Reproductive organs in plants.
  3. English (20 Marks):- Tense, Voice, Preposition, Article, Affirmative-Interrogative-Negative
    Sentences & Vocabulary.
  4. Mental Ability Test & Reasoning (30 Marks):- 1. Logical Reasoning:- Patterns and Series,
    Analogies and Relationships, Coding and Decoding, Blood Relations, Syllogisms; 2.
    Mathematical Reasoning:-Numbers and Operations, Basic Algebra, Geometry and Mensuration,
    Data Analysis and Interpretation; 3. Non-Verbal Reasoning:- Visual Puzzles and Patterns, Mirror
    Images and Reflections, Cubes and Dice, Paper Folding and Cutting; 4. Verbal Reasoning:-
    Word Formation and Patterns, Classification and Categorization, Word Analogies, Logical
    Completion of Sentences; 5. Critical Thinking:- Identifying Bias and Assumptions, Evaluating
    Arguments and Evidence, Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions, Identifying next
    numbers in a series, Solving simple logic grids, Understanding basic geometric shapes, Solving
    simple algebraic equations, Identifying mirror images and reflections, Completing word patterns,
    Solving simple syllogisms.

For Class – VII (Seven) :: (Based on Class VI Course)

  1. Mathematics (40 Marks):- Linear equation in one variable, Rational number, Understanding
    quadrilateral, Probability, Square and square roots, Cube and cube roots, Algebraic expressions,
    Mensuration, Exponents and powers, Proportions, Factorisation, Graphs, Comparing quantities, Lines
    and angles, Triangle and its properties.
  2. Science (60 Marks):- Electricity And Circuits, Measurement & Motion, Light Shadows &
    Reflection, Magnetism, Food Sources & Its Componenets, Fibres To Fabric, Plants Around us,
    Movement In Animals, Habitats And Adaptations, Sorting Materials, Seperation of Substances, Changes
    around us.
  3. English (20 Marks):- Synonym, Antonym, Parts of Speech, Jumbled Words, Types of Sentences, and
  4. Mental Ability Test & Reasoning (30 Marks):- 1. Logical Reasoning:- Patterns and Series,
    Analogies and Relationships, Coding and Decoding, Blood Relations, Syllogisms; 2. Mathematical
    Reasoning:-Numbers and Operations, Basic Algebra, Geometry and Mensuration, Data Analysis and
    Interpretation; 3. Non-Verbal Reasoning:- Visual Puzzles and Patterns, Mirror Images and Reflections,
    Cubes and Dice, Paper Folding and Cutting; 4. Verbal Reasoning:- Word Formation and Patterns,
    Classification and Categorization, Word Analogies, Logical Completion of Sentences; 5. Critical
    Thinking:- Identifying Bias and Assumptions, Evaluating Arguments and Evidence, Making Inferences
    and Drawing Conclusions, Identifying next numbers in a series, Solving simple logic grids,
    Understanding basic geometric shapes, Solving simple algebraic equations, Identifying mirror images
    and reflections, Completing word patterns, Solving simple syllogisms.

For Class – VI (Six) :: (Based on Class V Course)

  1. Mathematics (40 Marks):- Number and number names, Indian and international numeration system,
    Roman numerals, Making numbers with repetition of digits, Operation on numbers, Estimation, Factors
    and multiples, Test of divisibility , Prime factorisation, L.C.M and H.C.F, Fraction, Decimals, Basic
    geometrical concepts, Symmetry.
  2. Science (60 Marks):- Reproduction In Plants, Adaptation In Animals, Bones And Muscles, Nervous
    System, Nutrition And Health, Matter, Rocks , Minerals & Soil, Simple Machine, Air & Water, Sun ,
    Moon & Planets, Natural Disasters.
  3. English (20 Marks):-Synonym, Antonym, Parts of Speech, Jumbled Words, and Vocabulary (choose
    the right meaning).
  4. Mental Ability Test & Reasoning (30 Marks):- 1. Logical Reasoning:- Patterns and Series,
    Analogies and Relationships, Coding and Decoding, Blood Relations, Syllogisms; 2. Mathematical
    Reasoning:-Numbers and Operations, Basic Algebra, Geometry and Mensuration, Data Analysis and
    Interpretation; 3. Non-Verbal Reasoning:- Visual Puzzles and Patterns, Mirror Images and Reflections,
    Cubes and Dice, Paper Folding and Cutting; 4. Verbal Reasoning:- Word Formation and Patterns,
    Classification and Categorization, Word Analogies, Logical Completion of Sentences; 5. Critical
    Thinking:- Identifying Bias and Assumptions, Evaluating Arguments and Evidence, Making Inferences
    and Drawing Conclusions, Identifying next numbers in a series, Solving simple logic grids,
    Understanding basic geometric shapes, Solving simple algebraic equations, Identifying mirror images
    and reflections, Completing word patterns, Solving simple syllogisms.

Ajmal Super 40 Syllabus Download pdf 2024

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This Post Has 12 Comments

  1. Elias Ahmed

    Sir,where will get the form.so that I could apply for entrance exam for class 11.

    1. Jenifa zinnia Ahmed

      Class 6 abhi tak results nahi aia ha aj ka date 14/010/2025 dana tha par nahi dia kiu

  2. Tanmoy Das

    Class Xth “periodic classification of elements” is not in the course of CBSE students. So, what about students from CBSE . How does they enroll for the exam?

    1. babuprinter2018

      i not found class vi question paper in official website, i try to give

  3. Anshu Gupta

    Sir , I want to ask you something that what website I will put here

  4. Rijuwana Farhin

    Sir please NEET Phase 2 ke previous question paper’s upload kijia

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