Learn MS Excel Step by Step in Assamese

স্প্ৰেডশ্বীট (spreadsheet) প্ৰগ্ৰামৰ সংখ্যা আছে কিন্তু সেই সকলোবোৰৰ পৰা, MS Excel হৈছে সৰ্বাধিক ব্যৱহৃত। মানুহে ইয়াক যোৱা 30 বছৰ ধৰি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি আহিছে, ইয়াক অধিক সুবিধাৰে উন্নীত কৰা হৈছে।

MS Excel ৰ বিষয়ে সৰ্বশ্ৰেষ্ঠ অংশ হ’ল ই বহুতো ব্যৱসায়িক কামত প্ৰযোজ্য হ’ব পাৰে, যাৰ ভিতৰত আছে ( statistics, finance, data management, forecasting, analysis, inventory, billing, and business intelligence.) পৰিসংখ্যা, বিত্ত, ডাটা ব্যৱস্থাপনা, পূৰ্বানুমান, বিশ্লেষণ, ইনভেণ্টৰী, বিলিং, আৰু ব্যৱসায়িক বুদ্ধিমত্তা

Following are the few things which it can do for you:

  • Number Crunching
  • Charts and Graphs
  • Store and Import Data
  • Manipulating Text
  • Templates/Dashboards
  • Automation of Tasks
  • And Much More…

The three most important components of Excel that you need to understand first: cell, worksheet and workbook

MS Excel Window Components in Assamese

আপুনি ইয়াক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰাৰ আগতে, এইটো বুজি পোৱাটো সঁচাকৈয়ে গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ যে কি ইয়াৰ খিৰিকীত (interface) ক’ত। গতিকে আগলৈ আমাৰ ওচৰত সকলো মুখ্য উপাদান আছে যিটো আপুনি MS Excel ৰ বিষয় প্ৰৱেশ কৰাৰ আগতে জানিব লাগিব।

  1. Active Cell: A cell which is currently selected. It will be highlighted by a rectangular box and its address will be shown in the address bar. You can activate a cell by clicking on it or by using your arrow buttons. To edit a cell, you double-click on it or use F2 as well.
  2. Columns: A column is a vertical set of cells. A single worksheet contains 16384 total columns. Every column has its own alphabet for identity, from A to XFD. You can select a column by clicking on its header
  1. Rows: A row is a horizontal set of cells. A single worksheet contains 1048576 total rows. Every row has its own number for identity, starting from 1 to 1048576. You can select a row clicking on the row number marked on the left side of the window.
  2. Fill Handle: It’s a small dot present on the lower right corner of the active cell. It helps you to fill numeric values, text series, insert ranges, insert serial numbers, etc.
  3. Address Bar: It shows the address of the active cell. If you have selected more than one cell, then it will show the address of the first cell in the range.
  4. Formula Bar: The formula bar is an input bar, below the ribbon. It shows the content of the active cell and you can also use it to enter a formula in a cell.
  5. Title Bar: The title bar will show the name of your workbook, followed by the application name (“Microsoft Excel”).
  6. File Menu: The file menu is a simple menu like all other applications. It contains options like (Save, Save As, Open, New, Print, Excel Options, Share, etc).
  7. Quick Access Toolbar: A toolbar to quickly access the options which you frequently use. You can add your favorite options by adding new options to quick access toolbar.
  8. Ribbon Tab: Starting from the Microsoft Excel 2007, all the options menus are replaced with the ribbons. Ribbon tabs are the bunch of specific option group which further contains the option.
  9. Worksheet Tab: This tab shows all the worksheets which are present in the workbook. By default you will see, three worksheets in your new workbook with the name of Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 respectively.
  10. Status Bar: It is a thin bar at the bottom of the Excel window. It will give you an instant help once you start working in Excel.

MS Excel Basic Functions in Assamese

Functions are one of the most important features of Excel. It helps you to perform the basic calculations as well complex. Below I have listed 10 Basic Excel Functions which you need to learn.

  1. SUM: It returns the sum of numeric values in a cell. You can refer to the cells where you have values or simply insert the values into the function […]
  2. COUNT: It returns the count of numeric values in a cell. You can refer to the cells where you have values or simply insert the values into the function […]
  3. AVERAGE: It returns the average of numeric values in a cell. You can refer to the cells where you have values or simply insert the values into the function […]
  4. TIME: It returns a valid time serial number as per Excel’s time format. You need to specify hours, minutes and seconds […]
  5. DATE: It returns a valid date serial number as per Excel’s time format. You need to specify day, month and year […]
  6. LEFT: This function extracts specific characters from the a cell/string starting from the left (start). You need to specify the text and number of characters to extract […]
  7. RIGHT: This function extracts specific characters from the a cell/string starting from the right (last). You need to specify the text and number of characters to extract […]
  8. VLOOKUP: It looks up for a value in a column and can return that value or a value from the correspondent columns using same row number […]
  9. IF: This function returns a value when the specific condition is TRUE and returns another values it condition is FALSE […]
  10. NOW: It returns the current date and time in the cell where you insert it using your system’s settings […]

  • Formulas
    In Excel, a formula is an expression that operates on values in a range of cells
    or a cell. For example, =A1+A2+A3, which finds the sum of the range of values
    from cell A1 to cell A3.
  • Functions
    Functions are predefined formulas in Excel. They eliminate laborious manual
    entry of formulas while giving them human-friendly names. For example:
    =SUM(A1:A3). The function sums all the values from A1 to A3.

2. Using Insert Function Option from Formulas Tab If you want full control of your functions insertion, using the Excel Insert Function dialogue box is all you ever need. To achieve this, go to the Formulas tab and select the first menu labeled Insert Function. The dialogue box will contain all the functions you need to complete your financial analysis.

3. Selecting a Formula from One of the Groups in Formula Tab This option is for those who want to delve into their favorite functions quickly. To find this menu, navigate to the Formulas tab and select your preferred group. Click to show a sub-menu filled with a list of functions. From there, you can select your preference. However, if you find your preferred group is not on the tab, click on the More Functions option – it’s probably just hidden there.

  1. Using AutoSum Option For quick and everyday tasks, the AutoSum function is your go-to option. So, navigate to the Home tab, in the far-right corner, and click the AutoSum option. Then click the caret to show other hidden formulas. This option is also available in the Formulas tab first option after the Insert Function option.
  1. Quick Insert: Use Recently Used Tabs If you find re-typing your most recent formula a monotonous task, then use
    the Recently Used menu. It’s on the Formulas tab, a third menu option just next to AutoSum.

MS Excel Formula Example

1. Sum Function

  1. SUM
    The SUM function is the first must-know formula in Excel. It usually aggregates
    values from a selection of columns or rows from your selected range.
    =SUM(number1, [number2], …)

=SUM(B2:G2) – A simple selection that sums the values of a row.
=SUM(A2:A8) – A simple selection that sums the values of a column.
=SUM(A2:A7, A9, A12:A15) – A sophisticated collection that sums values
from range A2 to A7, skips A8, adds A9, jumps A10 and A11, then finally adds
from A12 to A15.
=SUM(A2:A8)/20 – Shows you can also turn your function into a formula.

2. AVERAGE function

The AVERAGE function should remind you of simple averages of data such as
the average number of shareholders in a given shareholding pool.
=AVERAGE(number1, [number2], …)

=AVERAGE(B2:B11) – Shows a simple average, also similar to


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